Week 1: It Starts with You…

I am so excited that you have said yes to this program because I know how one ‘yes’ has the power to change your life. Your yes means that we can start working together today to transform your career. I’ve made the mistakes, done the research, taken the wrong turns, and learned the lessons. And now I can’t wait to share all of that experience with you. This program is going to show you step by step how I transformed my own career in tech so that you can do the same. 

My journey to find success wasn’t easy. Not too long ago, I was laid off from a job where I was belittled and miserable. My confidence was shot. I didn’t know what I wanted from life and I didn’t have any relevant skills – my degree and my tech skills were outdated. At this lowest point, I pulled myself together. I enlisted outside help (as you are right now!), learned new and valuable tech skills, and prioritized building a network that would help me make authentic connections in the industry. After this, I didn’t just find a new job, I found incredible success. In two short years, I went from the bottom of the tech industry with no job prospects to  sought-after, award-winning software engineer. Now, I’m a director of engineering at a Silicon Valley payments company living my definition of success. 

Over the next year, I’m going to peel back the curtain and share with you exactly how I made such an incredible career transformation so that you can too! I’m going to break the process down into daily, bite-sized challenges that are easy to accomplish and that fit into your busy day. Through the use of repetition, these challenges will help you develop the lifelong habits that you need to achieve your career goals and to become a more confident, capable version of yourself. In this program, you won’t just try a new skill and then move on, forgetting it. Instead, you will return to practice skills week after week, challenging yourself each time to go deeper or to approach them in a new way. This is how you will transform yourself.   

You deserve to have a career you love. You deserve a job where you feel valued and appreciated. To get there, though, you are going to make some changes. And this can be overwhelming. You know you want more, but it’s hard to know where to begin. This program is designed to help you reach your goals with small and consistent behavior changes that will empower you, help you feel more balanced, teach you how to network authentically and efficiently, turn you into your own best advocate, and set you up for promotions, leadership, and beyond. 

I look forward to this journey with you. I know that you (yes, you!) will accomplish more than you can even imagine when you set your mind to it. And all it takes is one small daily step at a time. I’ll be with you all the way. You got this!

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons

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