Week 10: Communicate Your Value

Communicating my value was really difficult for me at first. The truth is that talking about myself with power and confidence felt incredibly awkward. I felt like that struggle was something unique to me, but I know it wasn’t. Countless other women have since told me that they struggle with this as well. For some reason, it can be hard for us to talk about our strengths and accomplishments. 

Here’s the thing, though. If you don’t speak about yourself, who will? We can spend all this time learning new skills, building our value, and showing up, but if no one knows about the work we are doing, where does it get us? It gains us inches instead of miles. And this means that spreading the news about our accomplishments isn’t something we can do once and then move on. We have to show our relevance and current value time and time again. It’s then that the magic happens. This is how you create and maintain a reputation and how people associate you with success in your field. 

If speaking up like this sounds terrifying to you, please don’t worry. We are going to create a system to help you. In Week 3 you drafted your Personal Brand, and in Week 7 you revised your online profile to reflect and market this Personal Brand. This week, I will help you establish a new habit – creating and maintaining your reputation by consistently publishing dynamic, on-brand content to your online newsfeed. 

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  • 5 Lessons

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