Week 14: Strengthen Conversation Skills to Build Stronger Connections

This week marks the beginning of Stage Two, so before we get started, please take a minute to reflect on (and celebrate!) all that you have accomplished in the last few months. I hope you see what I see – a strong and confident person who is doing the daily work to make their goals a reality.

Change doesn’t happen immediately and there’s nothing magical about it. It’s slow and it takes determination and consistency. As we continue on, remind yourself that mindset is key and so is repetition. Throughout this stage, we will continue to build habits by circling back to skills that we have introduced in the past – and we’re going to start with networking.

In order to build our networking acumen, we have been working on expanding our networks by making connections, being authentic, and finding openings for conversations. This week we will focus on improving our conversation skills – something that I promise will be such a valuable asset in both your professional and personal life. Each day this week, we will target a different small skill that is necessary to be successful in communication. As we work on these skills, remember that if you want to improve in something, you must practice! There really isn’t any way around it.

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons

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