Week 2: Boost Confidence and Empower Yourself

In Week 1, we visualized and reflected on where you are headed. Now, let’s focus on why you absolutely deserve to be there. It is so important that you believe in yourself. Research on the brain shows that what we tell ourselves can quite literally change our neural pathways. If you tell yourself that you can’t do something, your brain will believe you. This means that how you talk to yourself and how you talk about yourself is critical to your success. Let me be straight with you: it’s not a quick or simple process to rewire your brain. It requires consistent practice and continued improvement. But, it absolutely can be done, and it’s exactly what we’re going to do together. I’m going to be there with you every step of the way.

This week we’re going to focus on the small behavioral changes that will help you become your own biggest advocate and champion. We’re also going to take some time to reflect on the many successes you’ve already had in your career.

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons

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