Week 6: Invest in Yourself – You Are Your Biggest Asset

At this point in the program, we are really building some momentum. Just last week, you asked mentors, managers, and recruiters to advise you on the skills you should be developing. You began following trendsetters and influential people in your field. You started to compile a list of the great work you have already accomplished. 

When you look at all of this progress together, you see that you have been creating a habit – you have been making it a priority to invest in yourself by investing your time in yourself and in this program. 

As I mentioned in Week 2, I first learned about the power of investing in myself when I was laid off. With no job prospects in sight, I did something incredibly risky. I spent money I didn’t have on a career coach. At the time, it was terrifying to spend money on something intangible instead of using it towards the necessities, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. Looking back, it is so clear to me that this was the right decision. This decision is the one that changed my life. 

This realization changed the way I approach my career and, honestly, how I approach my view of myself and my worth. I am an asset. I am worth investing in. And since I realized this, I haven’t stopped investing. And it doesn’t need to be expensive. I don’t wait for someone to train me on new skills. I find the books, do the research, and teach myself. There are so many free resources online. When I can, I hire coaches for skills I want to develop. I take courses. The bottom line is that I am always willing to put in the time to get myself to the next level.      

This week we will focus on how you can prioritize and invest in yourself. You are your biggest asset. You are at the helm and you are going to make the decisions that will move you forward. 

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons

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