Week 7: Boost Your Online Presence to Increase Your Value

Social media is one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox. With a small investment of time, and often from the comfort of your own home, social media will help you build your network, make connections across industries and companies, show your value, and expand your opportunities. I have spent a lot of time building my brand and keeping my LinkedIn current. I have used LinkedIn to expand my network and it has helped me build international relationships that have led to some incredible opportunities. I also stay very active on Slack. One way I’ve found internal opportunities is by sharing details and pictures from events I have attended to my company’s ‘water cooler’ site. I cannot overstate how powerful of a tool networking sites can be. Even those of us who already have an online presence can always be on the lookout for ways to elevate our profiles. This week we will beef up our online presence. We will walk through the steps to help you expand your reach and set you up for next-level networking. 

If you find yourself struggling with understanding the necessity of staying engaged in this way, I hope you will spend a few minutes reflecting on whether you have a blind spot here. I promise you – even if you already have recruiters in contact with you, keeping others up-to-date on your work is worth it. You are not here to settle for “good enough” –  you are here to be proactive and to do everything you can to increase your reach so that those career-changing opportunities can find you!

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons

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