Week 9: Boost Confidence to Fight Imposter Syndrome

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”  

I hear this over and over from leaders because, unfortunately, imposter syndrome is not just for women starting out. It is prevalent among successful women across all levels. Now that we’re aware of this, though, we can recognize it and deal with it before it has the chance to derail us. 

Successful women can put so much pressure on themselves. We sometimes see our occasional mistakes, the need to ask for help, or the awareness that there is so much that we don’t know as signs that we aren’t qualified when, truthfully, we are. So, what to do about it?

Be courageous.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear. Courage is moving forward and taking action despite the fear. This week we will focus on recognizing and slaying imposter syndrome anytime it rears its head.

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  • 5 Lessons

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