Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Wednesday: Celebrate Your Wins to Build Your Confidence and Fight Off Imposter Syndrome

Your DBC:

Today, reflect on one project you are proud of – What did you accomplish? What was the impact (yourself and for the business)? Why are your proud of it? How did you feel when you first started it? How did you feel when it was completed? What did other people say about it?

One of my first projects wasn’t even paid work, but a small side project where I built a prototype of an app to test out a new developer framework. I was proud of it not because I got recognition for it at work (I didn’t!) or because it made me money (it also didn’t!), but because I got it done when I initially didn’t think it was possible and had something tangible to show for my persistence and hard work!

And, shhhh, we’ll be adding it to your portfolio next week…

Helpful tips:

▪ Tip #1: Pick a project that you can easily talk about and bonus points if you can collect pictures to visually represent it, too.

▪ Tip #2: Write down as much detail as you can. Look through old notes, emails, messages, and more to refresh your memory.

▪ Tip #3:  Include feedback you received as well as notes on how your project was used by others.

▪ Tip #4: Reflect on how you felt at different stages in the project. Did you feel overwhelmed upfront? Did you feel ‘in the flow ‘in the middle? Did you feel proud when you were done?

▪ Tip #5: Don’t forget to include any challenges you might have faced and how you overcame them. This will be really important when you position yourself for your next promotion or role! (We’ll talk more about this later…)

Welcome! Get started by watching this short video.