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Tuesday: Fight Self-Doubt with Self- Love to Reinforce Your Strong Foundation

Your DBC:

Today, write down 5 things you love about yourself or have pride in accomplishing. I guarantee you can find at least 5 nice things to say about yourself. It’s so important that you do this so that you realize that you are not starting from scratch to get to the next level. Instead, you’re building from a foundation that you may not have realized you already have. For me, when I was at rock bottom, my list looked as simple as this (and feel free to make mine your own!).

          I haven’t given up yet.

          I’m a great partner to my boyfriend.

          I’m a caring daughter, sister, and friend.

          I believe I can create a better future for myself.

          I take initiative.

Helpful tips:

▪ Tip #1: Start with low-hanging fruit-like skills and characteristics you have to build momentum and then keep going and let your creativity flow. You might surprise yourself with how many nice things you can say about yourself already!

▪ Tip #2: If you are stumped or having trouble, ask for help. Reach out to trusted family members, friends, and even colleagues and ask them what they love and admire about you.

▪ Tip #3: Keep this list in a place where you will see it every day to keep it top-of-mind and also in your subconscious.


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